Tuesday 22 September 2009

Bye Bye

"I must leave now and...Never return!"

Bye Bye Year one blog.

Year Two

Friday 11 September 2009

PR3: Process Recess 3: The Hallowed Seal

So a new book came into Ok comics the other day and I was pondering through it while sleeving up new comics. It's pretty far from a comic book but as a piece of art work, it's a stunning book: PR3 By James Jean.

248 4C pages
6 " x 9 " HC
$34.95 US funds (Got it for £20 because I work in the shop. British retail is £30.)
ISBN 978-1-935233-03-9

Well worth the buy I thought and very summer project-ish.

Wednesday 2 September 2009


This is one of the pages in my Summer Journal, and yes it's about my cats. Sorry. Crazy cat lady.

First off, let me tell you of my idiocity in making this page. I'm sat there with Photoshop opened, frustrated that I couldn't make these fake polaroids look as if they where on a wall in a bed room somewhere.

....After several hours of terrible outcomes I was struck by lightning. Or something painfully similar. I printed out the polaroid's, stuck them on the wall with the printed text and took a photo. TADA! the effect I wanted to achive in the first place.

Looks good prtined out as well...If I do say so my self.
The kid is my sister.

Thursday 20 August 2009


Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification.

"Taxonomy is a method of organizing content. For example classifying music by genre could generate this list: classical, jazz, rock. A single area such as "classical" might be further classified as concertos, sonatas, symphonies, and so on."

So what happens when I do it with Type that I find around my house? Comic, book, packaging. Can I get even further by grouping all of the single letter's together so I have page Of G's and E's. (Or in my case X's by the look of it...whoops.)

Do I only have to photograph the type, can I draw it myself and have page coloured with pencils, another only out lined?

I've really been getting into type and logo of late. Racking my brain's to come up with a decent logo for my own uses proved difficult. I kept staring at the piece of paper and the lettering that had no connection with the actual theme. It's time consuming, but it's great having other inspirations around me. It also shows the field I want to go into to, the sort of Graphic Design I want to reach towards.

It might work, it might not but that's the whole point of "trying".

As well as the logo/type book I've been making my own record of summer through image and illustration, including some type. Picture's too come.

Monday 10 August 2009


I have to show you this:

Look at his little smile. =3=

More serious posts to come. ;D

Thursday 6 August 2009

Oh The Perks...

....Of working in a comic book shop.

I think I died along the way to Leeds...really...

Books leant to me by the guys at work: (...I really do think I died somewhere. Don't resuscitate me.)

- Defoe 1666
- Scott Pilgrims Precious Little Life (just finished it...pretty amusing)
- Planetary
- Mesmo Delivery
- All Star Superman Volume 1 (Why yes....DC...it looks very lonely in my room)
- Batman: The dark knight returns (look SM's got a friend...)
- "Hey, wait..."
- Scalped
- The league of extraordinary gentleman, century 1910
- Trip Wire

Spent like an hour sleeving up the new releases...I'm pretty sure there were at least a 100 Buffy issues (pff, I took a wee bit longer than I should have and read a few of the new releases. Who wouldn't?)

Then I helped Oliver with the pre-order stuff that needed to be taken to the post office, which is now my job. =3

And the last hour was spent pottering around the shop reading everything on sight.

Over all. YES!

It's made me realise that I don't know as much about comics as I first thought I did. Eleven or so years doesn't seem so much when you nail it down to what I primarily read e.g X-men, DW ect. I've never really given other book's a chance. So now I'll get too.

And I read Deadpool before my boyfriend. *smug*

Ive also just been told by my friend Karl that if I don't read strangers in paradise he'll never fogive me...so that's another one added to the list.

Thankyou to Luke for the heads up that they where advertising for help. =3 I owe him!

Terrible Yellow Eyes

For all those "Where the wild things are" fans out there. (and I know your there.)

Found this cool little blog showcasing a collection of works inspired by the beloved classic, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

Here are some of my favourite piece from the site:

Akk, there's too many too chose from but seriously, check 'em out.